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‘Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude.’ ~ A. A. Milne

We launched our new certificate of appreciation on National Winnie the Pooh Day. Our first acknowledgement was sent to Jay for his excellent work for Tokitae and all the animals!

certificate for Tokitae
Let Tokitae go Home

Dear Jay,
The team at Until Lolita is Home would like to give thanks for all your hard work, beautiful art, singing, and creativity!

Your passion, compassion and talents shine so brightly; you help to educate, and through your work, their stories travel far and wide.

Thank you for loving the animals with all your heart. Please accept our certificate of appreciation!

Keep up the great work; you are a superstar!

Kind regards,
Jo Phillips, Vice-President at Until Lolita is Home

Jo and all at Until Lolita is Home, honestly, i have cried at this, it’s just the most beautiful certificate and such a wonderful thing to do, and with my grandson being the first to receive one makes it that bit more special, he was truly amazed, we both were, I wish I’d had the camera ready for when the certificate popped up on the screen, we were not expecting that, we were both jaw dropped and gob smacked, again, I can’t thank you all enough, Jay is such a softy when it comes to animals especially orcas and koalas, but he has a heart of a warrior, I can’t put into words just how proud I am of him, he’s amazing in everything he does, he told me today that at school today the children were allowed to print something off the computer that they liked / loved and tell everyone about it, Jay downloaded a picture of Tokitae and told the teacher and class about her and how she should be free, well my heart just melted, he’s planting those little seeds bless him, well done Jay and thank you for being a voice for those who can’t speak up for themselves, you really are an amazing young lad and I am honoured to be your Ninnah (nana but he calls me ninnah) Ninnah loves you lots like vegan jelly tots . – Tali-Eden Willows

The Early Days

Jay Randall

“On the 15th of May 2018 I went out and done my first bit of activism in my local park for Tokitae” – Jay

Tokitae badge

Jay wearing his ‘Stand Up for Lolita’ 2018 Until Lolita is Home badge!

Photo credit: Tali-Eden Willows

Raynell Morris

Well done Jay!

Pam Balz

This little, brave boy has so much love inside...we can learn so much from our children and from the world of animals!

Gail Barber

What a lovely little boy! Thank you for caring Jay.

Andrea Cabañas Freitas

We’re in this fight together! Your action is wonderful!

Helen Jones

Thank you Jay. Hopefully by the time you’re an adult keeping dolphins and whales captive will be no more.

Bri Graf

You are a wonderful and empathetic boy and your love for orcas is incredible. You are doing the right thing speaking out for orcas in captivity. You are more intelligent than some adults. Continue to be their voice!

Gloria Galey

Thank you young man for helping to spread awareness. Tokitae is coming home in 2023!

Marie Zwicker

Jay is a true Hero for Animals.