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MSQ LIVE — 8 February 2022

Posted by Until Lolita is Home on Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Feb 6

PETA has just learned from confidential sources of egregious developments and animal failings at the Miami Seaquarium. Beloved Lolita the orca—whose small, shallow, barren concrete tank has been closed to the public for months—is reportedly suffering from pneumonia and is in danger of not receiving adequate care. The current attending veterinarian, Shelby Loos, reportedly possessed no orca experience when she was hired in 2019. She left in 2020 but was rehired last year after the Seaquarium fired its longtime head veterinarian after she expressed concern about the extent of animal suffering at the park.

Read Press Release

Feb 8-9

The Seaquarium confirmed that Lolita/ Tokitae is receiving around-the-clock care, stopping short of calling Lolita’s illness pneumonia but acknowledging that she is ill.

“As we do with all geriatric animals, Toki regularly undergoes routine diagnostics such as bloodwork and ultrasound examinations to best monitor her health. During one of these routine checks, we noticed some abnormalities on her bloodwork, which prompted treatment as she began to feel under the weather. Despite her very advanced age, she has been steadily improving and feeling much better.”

Feb 10

Statement from Sacred Sea

Siam e ne schaleche (to our family and friends):
We wish to issue a statement regarding PETA’s article on the health of our relation Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (Tokitae/Lolita).We have long known that her health is endangered by her conditions at the Miami Seaquarium. We have been long calling for a comprehensive assessment of her physical and behavioral health conducted by third-party experts.

Conflicting reports in the past days about our relation’s health have underscored the urgency for an independent, thorough, expert evaluation. We have written USDA, NOAA, and the Mayor of Miami-Dade County, requesting that they advocate for, initiate, and/or supervise such an examination of our relation. We appreciate that many of you are, like us, worried about Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut. If you are so moved, please amplify our request for her health assessment by respectfully writing the local offices of USDA, NOAA, and the Mayor of Miami-Dade’s office.

Please rest assured that we are working every day to fulfill our Xa xalh Xechnging (sacred obligation) to bring her to her Xwlemi Tokw (Lummi Home) in the Salish Sea. We believe that Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut draws strength from our collective prayers. We continue to hold ceremony and pray for her, and we encourage you to do the same. We are hopeful for her future, as her cause has drawn love and support from people all over the world. We ask that you keep her in your hearts, and we ask for your continued engagement. Hy’shqe! (Thank you), Squil-le-he-le and Tah-Mahs

Article: Bellingham Herald

Feb 12

Take action for Tokitae / Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut

Article: Fox 13 Seattle

There are serious concerns for the health and safety of the orca Lolita/Tokitae at Miami Seaquarium. We desperately need an independent third party to come in and assess Lolita’s health. Please take a moment to send an email.

Feb 17-19

Inside sources report Lolita / Tokitae’s health is declining. She is now on a 24 hour watch

Header credit: Lawrence Curtis