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Lolita by Erin Bloxham

I am an artist just playing around with painting rocks when I stumbled upon a Facebook group 50srs (50 State Rock Swap) where I asked if anyone from Florida would swap with me. So when this lady agreed, I asked her specifically if she wouldn’t mind putting my Lolita rock (actually it’s Santorini stone) out into the Florida community somewhere.

I shipped my rocks to her, including Lolita, and she immediately put Lolita on a window ledge at Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Jensen Beach.

I have always been in love with dolphins and whales! They are amazing and beautiful and so very fascinating. And ever since I saw The Cove with Ric O’Barry and Blackfish, I have wanted so badly to see all cetaceans released from captivity. But Toki’s story just breaks my heart.

I live in Minnesota so I’m not able to protest and such so I do what I can, sign petitions, send letters to officials such as the Miami Mayor, and share posts for a broader reach.

My goal is that this little stone will be found and re-hidden all over Florida. My hope is that it will find its way to folks unaware of Toki’s situation who might take some time to learn about her. And if one person joins the cause, I would be so happy!!

I’m thinking of doing several more and finding other Floridians who would be willing to place them around their local communities. Every little effort helps, right? At least it can’t hurt!

Some day I hope to get to Florida to take part in protests and such, but I truly hope Lolita gets released before then.

– Erin Bloxham

erin bloxham