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Tokitae, 52 years in captivity


Today, we honour Tokitae, those lost in the Penn Cove captures, those used for profit and entertainment, and campaigners who fought for decades to ‘Free Lolita’. For those who walked before us, who now walk beside us, we hold you in our hearts and minds. Tokitae, hidden from view, we see you and will continue to fight for you. We WILL carry you.

“The things you are passionate about are not random. They are your calling.”

Thank you to everyone who joined the event on August 8; we created awareness and reached many new people. Special thanks to Fred Brown for creating this beautiful sand art for Tokitae. It was an incredibly moving way to end the day. Thank you, Fred.

Until Lolita is Home’s goal has always been to raise awareness for Lolita / Tokitae; her capture, and her time in captivity, to advocate for her retirement in her home waters and support others.

Since 2015, with the help of many dedicated volunteers and supporters globally, we have grown into a strong collective voice for Tokitae. We have hosted over one hundred rallies, including several successful online events, resulting in TV and press articles.

Reaching a decade of campaign work has seen many ups and downs in our fight for Tokitae, but we have never stopped, and neither should you.

Because of you, more people know about Tokitae and her story.
Because of you, people see her terrible living conditions.
Because of you, people join the fight for her rightful liberation.
Because of you, attitudes towards captive cetaceans are changing.

Tokitae, hidden from view, we see you and will continue to fight for you. We WILL carry you.

Our group started with the power of one, a person with passion and drive. Your voice matters; please use it to help those who need their voices heard.


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A little boy and his love for Tokitae

Children know; Jay knows he loves orca with all of his heart.
Here, he sings ‘I Will Carry You’ for Tokitae with his friend, Tilikum.
Thank you, Jay and Tilikum. We love you!

Stand up, speak out!
Use your voices for Tokitae!
Spread her story far and wide!
Help to carry her home.

“Kids get it! We don’t have to tell them dolphin captivity is wrong, but we do have to give them the information to make educated decisions. That’s on us. Spread awareness” – Cynthia Fernandez, Dolphin Project.

“You must begin to understand that this industry is driven by profit, not compassion. And most importantly, you MUST teach the children that captivity is wrong, and should not be tolerated in society. We need to make a shift in the global mindset. We need to want to see these animals thrive in the wild, to understand their contribution to the ocean’s complex and fragile system and appreciate it. We need to move away from the selfish desire to just see them, and instead have a desire to see them FREE…” – CeeBlue



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52 years posters for Toki

Until Lolita is Home’s goal is to flood social media with her name and heartbreaking story, every action makes a difference. It is the least we can do. Together, we are #United4Lolita


  1. Download and print or display on an electronic device (phone, laptop, iPad).
  2. Take a selfie holding one of the signs, or make a short video.
  3. Get creative!
  4. Post your photos and videos to social media. So that we can find you, please use hashtags: #United4Lolita #UntilLolitaisHome #Sanctuary4Tokitae
  5. We will share your photos and videos, showing that we stand in unity for Lolita / Tokitae.


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Little Miss & Mr. Men memes for Tokitae

Do you remember the “Little Miss” or “Mr Men” books?
Now the square-shaped children’s books created by Rоger Hargreaves in the ’70s and ’80s are back, but this time as memes. They are everywhere right now, going viral on social media.

So, let’s all jump on board! Use them to advocate for Tokitae. Download the set, choose your favourites and use them on social media with your message! Tweet to decision-makers, and share with your friends & family. Help to spread Toki’s story far and wide.
Use hashtags #United4Lolita #UntilLolitaisHome #Sanctuary4Tokitae #littlemiss